Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Noise Above Me Is Steady (Xmas Part 2)

After spending some time with Rebecca's family in Charlotte, we hopped on a plane for Austin, Texas to visit her two older sisters and their family's.

Dad was in town for a visit as well. A father and his girls.

All the nieces and nephews were there and lots of Rock Band was played.

Upon our arrival, I was informed that the second annual Talent Show would take place in two days. I started preparing immediately.

Paige and Gretchen telling jokes.

Kate, Rebecca, and Brett doing a magic show.

The return of The Great Fantabulo and her Lion Tamer!

Gretchen, Brett and Kate acting out a story.

Gretchen and Rachel did some dancing with the help of two special guests...

Jack and I provided some surprise entertainment.

The show ended with an all-cousin dance routine.

Then it was time to relax and enjoy the rest of the trip.

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