Wednesday, December 22, 2010

These Walls Are Paper Thin

Our buddy Shawn and his band played a show at a roller skating rink. Lacing up my skates brought me back to my elementary/middle school days when I used to fall on my butt all the time.

Rebecca and Tamara were both really excited about roller skating again.

Warren felt under dressed until he put on this outfit.

Liz and Eli got all dressed up as well.

There were hoola-hooping groupies and...

...these girls showing off some gymnastic moves.

The next day we went to Katie and Brennan's 3rd Annual Cookie Party.

Around the same time, we had a Flat Stanly sent to us from our nephew Brett in Texas. For those of you who don't know, Flat Stanley is a children's book where the main character gets flattened by a bulletin board. Being flat allows him to travel via the mail and have adventures all around the world.

He went bowling with me.

Played in the snow.

Played in ginger bread houses.

Went to a tap-dancing performance.

Rock climbed.

Played with Pirate and
