Thursday, December 4, 2008

Burning in Water, Drowning in Flames

Rebecca had a birthday in late November. First we had a Rock Band Party complete with dancers and groupies.

I'm no Phil Collins but I can hold my own.

The next night we moved the party to the ice skating rink.

I'm not too sure what is going on in this photo.

We finished off the birthday weekend with a bonfire.

Rebecca and I spent Thanksgiving in upstate New York with my family. The weather was cold and wet all week long. Rebecca was lucky enough to be able to wear my grandmother's rain gear. Look at those skinny chicken legs. (Rebecca loves the face on tree in the background.)

Gorillas in the mist.

My grandparents got the ugliest dog they could find from the shelter. Aggie might be ugly but she really is a sweet dog. She doesn't like to get her picture taken however.

Thanksgiving dinner was at my mother's cousin's house. Warming up the Tofurkey and doing a little dance.

Rebecca and my Grandma showing off our prized "bird".

The beer can is only a prop. It was funny to hear my grandfather get made fun of for not drinking PBR anymore. He likes The Beast now. (R to L: Great Uncle Bob Pratt or Pratty, my Grandpa Sam, me, my Great Uncle Bob Baldwin or Baldie)

Rebecca and I got to sit at the kid's table with Lee and Renee.

Those of you who know Rebecca know that she has problems hearing. I was shocked when she said she heard Richard Simmons' voice in JFK airport. She looked around and saw him a few gates away. She was so excited to go talk to him and get her picture taken. He was very friendly and talked to everyone who came up to him even though it was 7:15 in the morning. Oh, he was wearing shorts and white tube socks. He claims he doesn't even own a pair of pants.

Vegan tofu pizza at Lilly's.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Are you serious about the Socks and Shorts on Richard Simmons?! That's amazing!
Nice looking bird.