Friday, December 26, 2008

Beasts Bounding Through Time

My buddy John, who I went to Middle School and High School with, now lives in Charlotte with his wife and daughter. He organized a trip to see the Flyers play the 'Canes in Raleigh in early December. I think there were about 20 Flyers fans in our group tailgating and heckling Carolina fans.

The Flyers ended up winning in overtime.

Our first poker night in a long time. Eli and Leo took home all the money, so next time you see them out ask them to buy you a drink.

Christmas cookie making party at Katie's place. She provided the icing, sprinkles, and other fun things while everyone else provided the cookies.

Rebecca and I made vegan cookies and icing the night before and then added some of Katie's food coloring.

Rebecca decorated and I ate.

I couldn't resist the urge to make a Straight Edge cookie.

Rebecca made this one especially for Swimmer Dan.

Of course it always ends up in the gutter.

1 comment:

Amity said...

If you see my best friend can you send her westward, please? I miss her.