Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Coat of White Primer

I spent an amazing week in Austin, TX with Rebecca's two sisters and her 6 nieces and nephews. Here are some of the highlights before my camera ran out of batteries:

The first order of business (ten minutes after I arrived) was to play Lake Ball. This is similar to baseball but if someone hits the ball into the lake you have to jump in and go get it before they score. This is Kate up to bat.

Grant likes to slide into home plate with style.

It pays to be tall in Lake Ball.

Then we went tubing.

Having two tubes was great because you were able to jump back and forth as Brett demonstrates here.

Rebecca and Paige.

I tried wake surfing, which is like wake boarding but your feet are not strapped in. I failed miserably on the first day.

But on my second day, I stood up and got a few nice rides.

Kate got dressed up for our talent show.

There were the alphabet olympics, a magic show, a lion tamer and his lion, sword fighting, a history of music complete with dancers, and much much more.

One day we took a drive to Hamilton Pool, a fresh body of water with a waterfall.

Rachel, Grant, Paige, and Brett

The water temperature was perfect, but since it had been over a week since the last rain fall, the water fall was only a small trickle.

There were fun rocks to run around if you wanted to stay out of the sun.

We drew upside down faces on people's chins.

And Brett just drew a small goatee on his chin.

Kate and I didn't fair so well playing UNO Attack. Both of our hands were full of cards.

Rebecca in the middle of Cousin Soup. Clockwise from Left: Rebecca, Brett, Jack, Rachel, Grant, Kate, Paige

We also went rock climbing.

Rebecca and her two older sisters Connie and Kimberly.

Paige showing off her amazing strength.

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