Friday, January 4, 2008

I Chose One, But The Other Was Given To Me

I had a couple of friends in town to help me celebrate the New Year. This is Monkey and Darren the Donkey.

Of course there was dancing to be done.

Ed is always up for some dancing even if a cute girl is trying to talk to him. "I'd rather dance with you than talk with you."

Jerry was judging this dance off between Ed and Shannon.

Dan, Jerry, Brian, and Shannon.

This always happens to me at parties! Knocked up again.

Tammy getting into the spirit of things.

Two years running now, Megan and I trade shoes. I think I got two toes into each shoe.

Then I tried to dance in them. Ouch.

We had some snow.

Tonight I used Grey's XMas gift to me. The red is supposed to be spaghetti sauce but it looks like blood to me.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Thanks for the great suggestions! The Spartan 5k will probably be in October, but I can't find a firm date yet.

Also, I should tell you that after Matt read your blog he called me to say that you had a hot bod.

You putting the moves on my man?