Friday, January 18, 2008

And We Will Forget You, Somewhat

In May of 2005, Grey and I took a trip to Costa Rica. This was my second time there and Grey's first. Recently I was showing someone the photos from my first trip there I wondered what had happened to the photos from the other trip. After I realized they died with my other computer I bugged Grey to find the disc I burned for him. So, here are some highlights of that trip. I tried to limit the pictures of Grey doing goofy things because I think a future entry might just be pics of Grey doing weird things; I have a ton of those.

The town of Cartago was our first stop after flying into San Jose. This was the center of town and it was super sketchy. We had to wait for the next bus to take us to Orosi, a town that had some hot springs we wanted to check out.

Ah, hot springs. Grey and I played this game where one person closes thier eyes and the other tries to hit them in the face with really small rocks. That anticipation was 100 times worse than the pain of a little pebble hitting you in the face. Still to this day it is a favorite game of mine.

Next we stopped in La Fortuna to see the active volcano Arenal. This was the view from the door of our room.

About 2 miles from the town there are some waterfalls and a rope swing. I love rope swings.

This is Judith outside our hostel in Monteverde. We meet her in La Fortuna and she ended up traveling with us for the rest of the trip. She is French Canadian and talks funny. Strangely enough, we meet a handful of French Canadians on this trip.

Monteverde is the home of this crazy cloud forest. They have a series of zip lines that take you over and through the rain forest canopy. One time around Grey and I decided to ride double where the two of us are clipped together. I was in the back so I needed to use my right hand for the break (so we wouldn't crash into the tree at the end) and my left hand had to hold on to my harness that was clipped to the zip line so I wouldn't spin around. If I spun around then I couldn't break. Grey, the nice guy that he is, took advantage of this. He was in front of me and he turned around and proceeded to slap me in the face unmercifully for about 2 minutes while laughing hysterically. I on the other hand, could do nothing because neither one of my hands could let go. I almost peed my pants.

Next we traveled to Montezuma which is a hippie beach town on the Nicoya Peninsula. Here is where we stayed, right on the beach.

Grey is always afraid he will drowned, even on land.

On a boat heading towards our snorkeling destination called Turtle Island. We were in the water for 30 minutes and then it started to rain. Did I mention we were there during the rainy season?

On the beach in Quepos. There is a National Park down the road called Manuel Antonio.

Grey is such an adventurer.

I look so young and skinny. (R to L. Grey, me, Judith, Kurt)

Grey, Judith, and two other travelers (both French) at the entrance of the National Park.

A White Faced monkey. "Question, what would you say to someone who wanted to get into the profession of Monkey Torture?" "Well, I would tell them to get a monkey.....and torture the hell out of it."

Waterfall near the town of Dominical. The last stop on our trip before heading back to San Jose.

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