Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wedding Photos

While we haven't seen our official wedding photos yet, a few friends of ours have posted photos on facebook, so I stole them and put them on Robot Toast. Thanks to everyone I stole from.

Pirate and Rebecca discussing final wedding details.

While Rebecca was getting ready the morning of our wedding, I played disc golf with a crew of people.

The alter of sacrifice.

Our ring bearer and flower girls (Paige, Madi, Kate, and Brett).

Katie and Diana, two of the bridesmaids.

Balman family photo before the ceremony. Four of Rebecca's siblings are present.

The wedding party

Rebecca's dad giving her away. My good buddy, John, was our officiant. Thanks John!

It was a beautiful day, 80 degrees and sunny.

And now it is official!

Let's go eat and play games!

Megan was excited that she is still short enough to be allowed in the bouncy castle.


Little Jaxon was a machine on the dance floor.

If you didn't know, Vijay is the Sheriff of Carrboro.

Kevin left the wedding with more admires to add to his list. I love that guy!

We are a confused married couple already.

Even the Tiny Groomsmen was cutting a rug. (He took his first steps a few days prior to our wedding.)


R E Dow said...

Brilliant! Only two spelling errors and a sentence-ending preposition. Maybe marriage has already changed you for the better!

Ariel said...

What a wonderful wedding! Thanks from those of us who couldn't attend for sharing!! Much love!