Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stripes Gooooood, Polka Dots Baaaaadd.

The game plan was to wear lots of stripes and ride bikes to bars. On the way we tried to convert other stripe-minded individuals to join our gang. We also heckled the hell out of people not wearing stripes. Surprisingly no one tried to beat us up.
Rob, Mariya, and I prepare for battle.

Ed won the prize for wearing the most stripes. Yes, his tights have stripes on them. And yes, he is wearing tights.

This is the crew. We picked up three more gang members on the way. STRIPES!!!!!

So this actually happened! My darts partner rocks so hard that she can spilts darts Robin Hood style. Don't mess suckas!

Some would call Ed a "camera whore". I just call him a whore.

Catherine is an A+ gal but tonight she gets an F for not wearing stripes. (PS. Boys, she is single and is much cuter than this picture shows.)

Everything tastes better while wearing stripes.

This is what time I had to leave my house the next morning to play golf. That means I woke up 30 minutes before that. Striped hangovers are the worst.

"Our shots were not as long as our shadows." I think someone famous said that.
Notice the flag is wearing stripes as well. STRIPES!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Did You Leave The Trad Gear Up Here? (Moore's Wall, NC)

Some people like them lil', some don't.

Brian's mom packs his lunch for him. Notice how neatly organized everything is in the container.

Climbing in the shade is a must. The view was nicer than my camera said it was.

Ed leading Golden Earing with a very skimpy rack. He came through like a champ.

This dog passed out near our climb. I had seven rocks on her nose before she woke up. Good thing I didn't have a sharpie or some scissors.

Fun traverse that I never finished.

Brian makes it look good. I believe he only had the energy for this after his well balanced and neatly packed lunch.

What a surprise, Rob is smiling because he made a smart-assed comment.